Pattern Recognition Student
Projects - Open
"I hear and I forget. I see
and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucius

- Why One Should Not Use Neural Networks
- Lateral Inhibition
- Freeman Coding of Line Drawings
- Circle Fitting
- Jensen's Inequality and the Cover-Hart Bound
- The Nearest Neighbor Decision Rule
- Searching Nearest Neighbors
- The Viterbi Algorithm for Text Recognition
- Independence of Measurements (Redundancy and Synergism)
- Estimation of Misclassification
- Minkowski Sums
- Minimum Distance Between Sets
- Maximum Distance Between Sets
- Random Lines
- Reconstructing Points from Projections
- Realizability of Polyhedra from Line Drawings
- The Geodesic Center of a Polygon
- The Center of Area of a Polygon
- The Smallest Circle enclosing a Set of Points

Teaching Activities