COMP-251A Data Structures and Algorithms -
Fall 2008
Lecture Descriptions, Homework, and Play
Text Book: Introduction to Algorithms
Week: 1
9 - 10
- 11 - 12 - 13
"An idea is best made the possession of the learner by
the method by which it has been found.'' Ernst Mach, 1906
Week 1 - Sept 2 and 4
Lecture 2: Proofs
The knotted string computer
More on case analysis in proofs:
Example from Ramsey Theory (5 points in general position contain an emty
convex quadrilateral)
Geometric proof of S(n) = 1+2+3+...+n = n(n+1)/2
Gauss proof of S(n) = 1+2+3+...+n = n(n+1)/2
Introduction to induction proofs
Example 1: S(n) = 1+2+3+...+n = n(n+1)/2
Example 2: 2-coloring the faces of an arrangement of lines in the
Example 3: covering a 2^n by 2^n checkerboard with one square missing by
L-shaped pieces.
Reading Assignment
Text: Chapter 1 and Sections 2.1 - 2.4.
Web: - A New Look at Euclid's Second Proposition
Web: 2.1 - Notes on methods of proof
Suggested Play
Web: 1.1.3 - Pythagoras proof applets
Web: 1.2.1 - Straight-edge-and-compass constructions applet of Francois
Web: - Euclid's second proposition applet
Web: - Pythagoras' theorem applet
Web: 1.2.3 - The straight edge and compass
Web: 2.4 - Classical fallatious proofs
Week 2 - Sept 9 and
Lecture 3: More on Proofs
Some beautiful induction proofs:
Example 3: 3-coloring the vertices of a triangulated polygon
The two-Ears Theorem
Proofs by contradiction
The diagonal of the unit square is irrational
There are an infinite number of prime numbers
Existence proofs
Coloring the points of the plane with two colors
Strong induction: triangulating polygons via diagonal insertion
Lecture 4: Proximity Graphs
Proximity graphs
Minimal spanning trees (MST)
Relative neighbourhood graphs (RNG)
Proof (by contradiction) that for n points in the plane the MST
is a subgraph of the RNG
Gabriel graphs
Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams
Reading Assignment
Text: 2.4-2.7, 2.11, 2.13-2.14
Web: 4.1 - Interactive introduction to graph theory
Web: 4.2 - Introduction to graph theory (Luc Devroye's 251 course notes)
Web: 4.7.1 - Web Tutorials: Introduction to Graph Theory
Web: 4.9.2 - The relative neighborhood graph
Suggested Play
Web: 20.3 - Minimal spanning tree applet
Web: 4.12 - 17 proofs of Euler's formula
Web: 20.2 - Art Gallery Theorem (applet)
Week 3 - Sept 16 and
Lecture 5: Polygon Triangulation Algorithms
Double induction
Proof of Euler's formula for connected planar graphs
Area of a triangle (simple polygon)
Point inclusion testing
Polygon triangulation
O(n^3) time via ear-cutting
Lecture 6: Turing Machines and
Random Access Machines
Digital models of computation
Turing machines
Random access machines
Big "Oh" notation
Comparing functions
L'Hospital's rule
Little "oh" notation
Running time of an algorithm
Worst case
Average case
Best case
Problem Assignment #2 ("due" September 30)
Turing Machines
Growth of functions
Big "Oh" notation
Minimal spanning trees of
Reading Assignment
Web: 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.1, Turing Machines, RAM's, Complexity and
Text: 3.1 - 3.4 - Big "Oh" notation
Web: - Two-ears theorem, diagonals and polygon triangulation
Suggested Play
Web: - Turing machine applet
Web: 4.17.3 - Elastic band approach to TSP applet
Web: 4.17.4 - Simple polygon counter applet
Week 4 - Sept 23 and
Lecture 7: Hamiltonian cycles
of point sets, and rulers with few mark
Hamiltonian cycles induced by point sets (polygonizations)
Proof that the shortest polygonalization must be simple
Star-shaped polygonizations in O(n log n) time
Monotone polygonizations in O(n log n) time
The skyline problem (hidden line removal in computer graphics)
O(n^2) via sequential insertion
O(n log n) via divide & conquer
Lecture 8: Recurrence Relations
Recurrence Relations and Fibonacci sequences
Algorithms for computing the Fibonacci function
Exponential - O(2^n)
Linear - O(n)
Logarithmic - O(log n)
Induction proof of Binet's formula
Solving recurrence relations by induction
Divide & conquer recurrence relations
Merge sort
Reading Assignment
Text: Chapter 3
Text: 6.4.3 - Merge sort
Text: 8.1, 8.2 - Point inclusion testing
Web: 1.4.1 - Recursion (Luc Devroye's class notes)
Web: - Fibonacci algorithms
Web: - Proofs of Binet's formula
Web: 4.10.7 - Polygonization of point sets
Suggested Play
Web: - Fibonacci math
Web: - Fibonacci and nature
Web: - Fibonacci home page
Web: 4.10.7 - Applet for polygonization of point sets
Week 5 - Sept 30 and
Oct 2 - Class Test #1 Thursday October 2
Lecture 9: Complexity Classes
and Examples
Running time: constant, logarithmic, linear, n log n, quadratic, cubic,
polynomial, exponential, factorial
Proof that the exponential function grows faster than the polynomial function
Binary search
Sorting: insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort
Travelling salesman problem
Problem Assignment 3 "due" October 16
for computing the Fibonacci function
skyline problem in computer graphics
of heap-sorting
Lecture 10:
1st Class Test (Thursday October 2) Example test (2003)
Reading Assignment
Text: 5.1 and 5.2 - Polynomial evaluation
Text: 9.2 - Exponentiation
Text: 5.6 - The skyline problem (divide and conquer)
Text: Chapter 6, section 6.4 up to and including 6.4.3
Web: 20.6 - Polygonizing sets of points
Text: 8.3 - Star-shaped polygonization of point sets
Suggested Play
Web: - Fibonacci numbers and domino tilings
Web: - - Sorting animation applets
Week 6 - Oct 7 and 9
Lecture 11: Tree Traversals,
Functions, Maximum Gap, Lower bounds for sorting, and Bucket Sorting
Lower bounds on the complexity of problems
Decision trees and lower bound for sorting (comparison model)
Adversarial arguments (diameter problem)
Lecture 12:
Tree traversals:
The Euler-Tour traversal of a tree
Preorder traversal
Inorder traversal
Postorder traversal
Computing the maximum gap in O(n) time with floor functions
Probabilistic analysis of bucket-sort:
Proof that bucket-sort takes O(n) expected time
Convex hull algorithms for planar point sets:
Rosenberg and Landgridge algorithm in O(n^3) time
Jarvis algorithm in O(n^2) time
Graham's algorithm in O(n log n) time
Lower bounds via reduction:
Example with convex hull problem
Reading Assignment
Text: 8.4 - Convex hulls
Web: 20.10.1, 20.10.4, 20.10.8 - Convex hull algorithms
Web: 20.10.9 - 3-coins algorithm
Web: - Bucket sorting with floor functions
Text: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.3, 6.4.1, 6.4.4
Web: 5.1.1 - Introduction to trees (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
Web: 5.1.2 - Tree traversals (preorder, inorder and
Web: 5.3.3 - Binary search trees (Luc Devroye's class
Suggested Play
Web: 20.10 - Convex hull applets
Web: 20.6 - Polygonization applet (Hamiltonian non-crossing circuits of
Web: 5.3.3 - Binary search tree applet (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
Web: 5.1 - Tree traversal applet (Luc Devroye's class
Week 7- Oct 14 and
Lecture 13:
Master theorems for solving recurrence equations
Lower bounds via reduction continued:
Example with non-crossing Hamiltonian circuit of a point set
Convex hull algorithms for planar point sets continued:
The 3-coins procedure and applications:
Graham's algorithm in O(n log n) time
Proof that the 3-coins algorithm computes the convex hull of a star-shaped
polygon in O(n) time
Examples of polygons triangulated with 3-coins algorithm
Illumination problems in computer graphics
Illuminating the edges of a polygon versus its interior
Lecture 14
Fast point location queries in convex polygons
Range searching
Geometric Search with the locus method
Balanced multi-way search trees:
Inserting keys in 2-4 trees
Deleting keys from 2-4 trees
Searching for the diameter of a set
Web: 1.4.2 - MasterMind applet (decision trees)
Web: 5.5.1 - (2-4)-tree applet
Week 8 - Oct 21 and
Lecture 15
Locus search methods
Range searching via domination queries
String-comparison algorithms
Hamming distance
Euclidean distance
Directed swap distance (scaffold assignment problem)
Linear assignment problems
Lecture 16
Dynamic programming
Divide and conquer with the master-theorem method
Merge sort
Convex hull and triangulation (merging with 3-coins
algorithm or rotating calipers)
Quicksort with secondary storage
Reading Assignment
Handout: Integer multiplication in O(n^1.585) worst
case time
Text: 6.8 - Dynamic programming (edit distance in
sequence comparison)
Web: 21.1 - Dynamic programming (edit distance in
sequence comparison)
Text: 6.4.4 - Quicksort and randomized quicksort
Web: - Quicksort tutorial
Web: - Expected analysis of quicksort
Suggested Play
Web: 21.1 - Applet for Dynamic programming (edit
distance in sequence comparison)
Week 9 - Oct 28 and
Lecture 17
Point inclusion query searching
Nearest neighbor search:
Projection methods
In-place quicksort
Randomized quicksort
Expected complexity of quicksort
Edit-distance between sequences
Dynamic programming approach
Lecture 18:
Line sweep methods
3-coloring the vertices of an arrangement of lines
Range searching with balanced search trees
Orthogonal Hamiltonians:
Reconstructing simple polygons from their vertex
Testing self-intersections in polygons
Computing orthogonal-segment intersections via line-sweep
technique and balanced search trees
Problem Assignment #5 "due" November 18
on sequences
distance between strings
Reading Assignment
Text: 8.6 - Orthogonal segment intersections
Web: 6.7.1 - Projection methods for nearest neighbor
Suggested Play
Web: 5.6 - Heap applet
Web: 6.8.1 - Closest-pair applet
Web: 6.7.1 - Nearest neighbor search applet
Week 10 - Nov 4 and
Lecture 19: 2nd
In-Class test (November 4)
Lecture 20
Hamiltonian cycles in dense graphs:
Proof of Ore's theorem on cycle-Hamiltonicity of dense graphs via backwards
Implementing the backwards induction proof into an O(n^2) algorithm
Priority queues via the heap data structure:
Insertion and deletion in heaps in O(log n) time
Building heaps:
In O(n log n) time via top-down insertion
In O(n) time via bottom-up divide & conquer
Proof of linearity via geometric series
Updating the pointer to LAST in heaps after insertions
and deletions
Application of heaps to sorting (heapsort) in O(
n log n) time
Reading Assignment
Text: 7.12 - Hamiltonian tours
Web: 5.6.2 - Heaps (Luc Devroye's class notes)
Web: 5.6 - Tutorial on heaps
Text: 4.3.2 - Heaps
Web: - Heapsort tutorial
Text: 6.4.5 - Heapsorting
Web: 4.2 - Introduction to graphs (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
Week 11 - Nov 11 and
Lecture 21:
Parallel models of computation:
Interconnection networks (MIMD machines: Multiple-Instruction Multiple
Sorting with an array of processors
The odd-even transposition sort (parallel version of bubble-sort)
SIMD machines (Single-Instruction Multiple-Data)
McCullogh-Pitts neurons
Threshold logic units
Solving systems of linear inequalities
Lecture 22:
Parallel models of computation cont.
Perceptrons and Neural networks
SIMD machines (Single-Instruction Multiple-Data)
Laplacian operators
Latteral inhibition networks
Machine learning algorithms
Nearest neighbor search in O(1) time with neural networks
Searching Graphs:
Depth-first search in a graph with a stack
Breadth-first search with a queue
Data structures for graphs
Adjacency matrices
Adjacency lists
Complexity analysis of DFS and BFS
Problem Assignment #6 ("due" November 27)
algorithms and least-cost Hamiltonian cycles in graphs
cycles in dense graphs (Ore's theorem)
computation models
Reading Assignment
Text: 12.4, 12.4.1 - Parallel algorithms for interconnection networks:
sorting on an arrray
Web: 18.2 - Real and artificial neurons
Web: 18.3 - Threshold logic units
Web: 18.5 - Perceptrons and neural networks
Web: 18.6 - Neural networks for lateral inhibition (computing Laplacians
and image sharpening)
Suggested Play
Web: 4.2 - Adjacency matrix and list applet
Web: 6.3.3 - 3D Maze Applet
Week 12 - Nov 18 and
Lecture 23:
Computational Aspects of Music:
Necklaces and Bracelets,
Homometric Rhythms,
The Hexachordal Theorem,
Patterson's Theorems,
Flat Rhythms
Deep Rhythms and Scales
Lecture 24
Isomorphic versus isotopic graphs
Eulerian circuits:
Eulerian tours and the Konigsberg bridge problem
The Euler-Hierholzer Theorem
Fleury's algorithm for computing Euler trails
Eulerian graphs need not be Hamiltonian
Hamiltonian graphs need not be Eulerian
Map coloring:
2-coloring the faces of an arrangement of lines
2-coloring the faces of a self-intersecting closed curve
3-coloring the vertices of an arrangement graph
3-coloring the vertices of a triangulated polygon
Scheduling problems via graph coloring
The chromatic number of a graph
The four-color theorem
Reading Assignment
Text: 7.2 - Eulerian graphs
Web: 22.1 - Computational Aspects of Musical Rhythm
Web: 4.3 - Graph isomorphism
Web: 4.4 - Graph planarity
Web: 4.14 - The Bridges of Konigsberg Problem
Web: 4.7.2 - Euler circuits
Web: 4.7.5 - Paths and circuits
Web: 4.7.6 - Algorithm for constructing an Eulerian circuit
Suggested Play
Web: - Euler traversal applet
Week 13 - Nov 25 and
Lecture 25
Map coloring:
Euler's formula for planar graphs
Proof that every planar graph has a vertex of degree at most 5
Induction proof of the the 5-color theorem for planar graphs
Algorithm for 5-coloring planar graphs in O(n^2) time
Digraphs and tournaments:
Round robin tournaments
Proof that the winner in a round robin tournament loses games only to teams
that lose to teams defeated by the winner
Lecture 26
Hommometric sets:
Proofs of the hexachordal theorem
Additional Possible Material
Digraphs and tournaments cont:
Proof by induction that tournaments contain a Hamiltonian path
O(n^2) algorithm for computing a Hamiltonian path in a tournament
Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP):
Two versions of TSP (triangle inequality graphs)
Reducing the TSP to a Hamiltonian circuit problem
Approximation algorithms for TSP:
The nearest-neighbor heuristic
The twice-around-the-MST heuristic
Minimum spanning trees:
Kruskal's algorithm using heaps
Prim's algorithm using adjacency matrices
Baruvka's algorithm using adjacency lists
Closest-pair searching:
In 1-D via divide and conquer in O(n log n) time
In 2-D via divide and conquer algorithm
In O(n log^2 n) time
In O(n log n) time
In 2-D via line-sweep algorithm with (2,4) trees
in O(n log n) time
Coding theory and data compression:
Block and Prefix codes
Shannon-Fano codes
Huffman coding
Hu-Tucker algorithm with heaps
Schwartz-Kallick algorithm
Lempel-Ziv coding for data compression
Other Huffman tree applications:
Merging sorted files with a minimum number of comparisons
Random number generation with a minimum number of comparisons
Reading Assignment
Text: 7.6 - Minimum-cost spanning trees
Web: 4.11.1 - Minimum spanning trees (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
Web: 4.11.2 - Minimum spanning trees (David Eppstein's
class notes)
Web:4.11.3 - Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms tutorial
Web: 4.10.1 - Hamiltonian paths in tournaments
Web: - Posa's proof of Dirac's theorem
Handout: Travelling Salesperson Problem
Suggested Play
Web: - Kruskal MST algorithm applet
Web: 4.11.3 - AnotherKruskal MST algorithm applet
Web: 4.11.6 - Prim MST algorithm applet
Web: 4.17.3 and 4.17.4 - Great applets for travelling
salesman problem
Web: 4.17.6 - Great applet for TSP heuristics
Reading Assignment
Text: 8.5 - Closest pair
Web: 6.8.1 - Closest-pair searching tutorial
Web: 20.11.1 - Voronoi diagrams
Text: 6.6 - Data compression
Web: - Huffman trees and applications (Luc
Devroye's class notes)
Web: - Shannon-Fano coding
Web: - Huffman coding
Web: - Optimality of Huffman coding
Web: - Lempel-Ziv adaptive codes (Luc
Devroye's class notes)
Suggested Play
Web: 5.7.7 and 5.7.8 - Huffman coding applets